Most people spend a lot of time at home breathing the air that is trapped there. People who do not clean their air ducts regularly start to breathe the same stale and dusty air without even realizing the harm that they are causing their body.
Most ducts, over time, collect dust and if not cleaned properly, dust that gets into the air and can be extremely problematic for people suffering from asthma or other breathing disorders.
Another problem with not cleaning the air duct regularly is that the dirt and dust decreases its efficiency and hence dryer, air condition or any appliance the it belong to, loses its efficiency and end up using more electricity adding to your electric bill.
Periodically ducts cleaning will benefit you for a number of reasons, the main ones are:
To keep yourself and your family breathing clean air, which help keep yours and your family health. Air ducts over time can become a home to all sorts of fungus, bacteria, mold spores, pollen and pet dander, which decrease the indoor air quality you breathe and can cause a variety of respiratory problems.
The dirtier the duct is, the less efficient it will function. Most people who do not clean their ducts regularly end up paying higher electricity bills.
Regular cleaning is similar to regularly servicing your car or any other machine. The better you maintain a machine the longer it lasts. So, just like any other electronic gadget or equipment it is important to service and clean the duct regularly, that will ensure that your appliances lasts long and works without any problems.
Liberate your HVAC from dust, dirt, mold and those pesky little insects so the quality of the air that you breathe in your home can be drastically improved. Call Super Clean Los Angeles Carpet and Air Duct Cleaning today!
Get in touch with us now over the phone (424) 273-5394